Thursday, January 12, 2017

The media defines gas-lighting to the general public

We have a man, el presidente elect, granted a position of power, who says things and then blatantly denies them, despite evidence of the truth. Will you believe him, or your eyes? Him, or the playback video of his evil-twin saying the opposite? 

All of the damage and confusion you've caused, fabricated and then denied without real, substantial evidence to back your claims. Making people deny what is clearly before them or, worse, to not care about a few "white lies". A person's word is their honor. You either mean what you say, or you haven't a leg to stand on. Own up to your words, coward. There are a million fools who will stand with you despite every lie that slides through your lips, every broken promise made in the moment to pander to the gullible masses.

Consider what lies ahead, with eyes and ears wide open. These types prey on those who don't think for themselves or consider sound facts and data. Those who would deny their own birth if reasoned with long enough from the right side. Out the window goes intellectual discourse and political progress. Think. Critically. 

After denial of the truth, I fear for the quieting of adverse opinions. Eight days. God help us. It's not exactly the end of the world, but it is the start of something more visibly unseemly.